University of Aveiro, 30 June – 1 July 2022

Call for Papers

Papers are accordingly invited on specific aspects of the following topics, in rough chronological order:
1. Stage and live performance narratives
2. Visual storytelling in traditional arts and crafts
3. Storytelling in the plastic arts
4. Narrating the landscape: from recording travel to the age of Instagram
5. Museums, physical and virtual
6. Photographic narrative forms
7. Cinema – from the silent days to modern digital and CGI forms
8. Graphic Novels
9. Comic Books and comic strips
10. Cartoons
11. Children’s books
12. Television – entertainment, news media and the use of the image
13. Music videos – narrating the song
14. Storytelling in advertising and marketing
15. The campaign video
16. Visual Narratives on/of the city: graffiti and street art
17. Video Game narratives
18. YouTube and online filmmaking
19. Graphic fan fiction
20. The business of visual storytelling

We welcome submissions in English, by 8 April 2022, to be sent to Professors David Callahan ( and Clara Sarmento ( with the following information:

• Title;
• Author(s), institutional affiliation, contact email(s);
• Conference topic (see list above);
• Extended Abstract (200 words);
• Bionote (100 words).

Registration Fees:

100 euros - Employed Academics
50 Euro - Graduate Students
Registration is free for members of CLLC, U.Aveiro and CEI, ISCAP-P.PORTO