2014 | Papers in national and international conferences

CEI represented at the examination of the Doctoral Dissertation by Anna Lidia Kosmider, A Culturalidade, Cidadania e Identidade como Fatores da Negociação Cultural. Modos de Tradução Cultural dos Alunos Polacos e Portugueses, Universidade Fernando Pessoa, 1st April 2014.

CEI is part of the teaching staff of the Doctoral Program in Anthropology: Politics and Images of Culture and Museology, FCT Doctorate, Ref. PD/00423/2012, in a partnership between FCSH (UNL), ISCTE-IUL, CRIA, INET and IELT.

CEI represented at the Professional Communication and Academic Discourse in the Current Global Context of MultilingualismInternational Conference, Department of Foreign Languages and Communication, Universitatea Tehnica de Constructii Bucuresti, Romania, 12th and 13th June 2014.

CEI represented at the X Jornadas Científicas y Profesionales de Traducción Médica International Conference, Tremédica and AGPTI, Vigo, Spain, 3rd, 4th and 5th March 2014.

CEI & ISCAP IN BUCHAREST: Marco Furtado presents “Multilinguarism: Training Translators/Interpreters”, International Annual Conference ‘In the Beginning Was the Word’ on the Linguistic Matter of Which the World Is Built, Bucharest, 12 June 2014. Program. Gallery.

Marco Furtado represents CEI at Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo with ”
Translation and Interpreting in the Contemporary Era“, December 2014. Gallery.