Other Publications

Books, book chapters, and scientific articles by CEI researchers.

Fátima Pacheco, Luis Cardoso, Isabel Baltazar, Susana Monteiro. Novos Estudos de Cidadania – Vols. I, II e III. Editora Petrony, 2024. ISBN: 9789726853411, 9789726853428 e 9789726853442.

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Sara Pascoal, Laura Tallone, Marco Furtado. “Maritime Tragedies in the Land of Seafarers: Identifying Portugal’s Dark Tourism Potential”, Cultural Tourism: Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges, eds. Maximiliano E. Korstanje e Giuseppe Catenazzo. Nova Science Publishers, 2024. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52305/JNOI5700

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Clara Sarmento. “The StreetArtCEI project in Campanhã”, Writingplace: Journal for Architecture and Literature nº 8 e 9, special issue “Writing Urban Places. New Narratives for the European City”, eds. Klaske Havik, Susana Oliveira, Jorge Mejía Hernández e Holly Dal, section “Porto – Campanhã. Stories from the City’s Edge”, coord. Carlos Machado e Moura e Eliana Sousa Santos, 2023, pp. 122-8.

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Sandra Ribeiro, Luísa Benvinda Álvares, Clara Sarmento. “A cidade das livrarias mortas/The City of Lifeless Bookshops”, de/by Francisco Duarte Mangas. Other Destinations: Translating the mid-sized European City (eds. Giuseppe Resta, Sonja Novak, Michael Kelly, Jorge Hernandez). Osijek: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in conjunction with the EU COST action CA18126 Writing Urban Places and TU Delft, 2023 (pp. 76-87). ISBN 978-953-314-208-1.

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Clara Sarmento. “O Centro de Estudos Interculturais (CEI) do Politécnico do Porto: Primeiro entre desiguais”, Estudos Culturais em Portugal: Cartografias, Desafios e Possibilidades, org. Maria Manuel Baptista, Rui Grácio e Alexandre Almeida. Coimbra: Grácio Editor, 2023 (pp. 65-76). ISBN: 978-989-53846-7-9, E-ISBN: 978-989-53846-8-6.

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PACHECO, F. ., & BALTAZAR, I. (2023). “Welcoming and protecting: brief considerations on forms of international protection in the European Union – an interdisciplinary perspective”. Revista Jurídica Portucalense, 93–121.

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Lynda Chouiten, J’ai connu les déserts et autres poèmes. Éditions Constellations, 2023.

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António Monteiro de Oliveira, “Introdução” (pp. 11-13); Clara Sarmento, “Mas isso não é ilegal: Street art enquanto projeto académico, tópico mediático e bem de consumo” (pp. 273-303)  & Luísa Silva, “Sinergias culturais em torno da street art para o progresso social e económico das comunidades” (pp. 363-395), A arte saiu à rua: A tutela jurídica do graffiti, coord. Raquel Guimarães e Regina Redinha. Coimbra: Editora d’Ideias, 2023.

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Sara Pascoal, Laura Tallone, Marco Furtado. From the garden to the grave – three dark sites related to the legend of Pedro and Inês”. Tourism & Heritage Journal, vol. 5, 2023.

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Clara Sarmento. “Mapping Graffiti and Street Art: The construction of meaningful itineraries”, Repository: 49 Methods and Assignments for Writing Urban Places (eds. Klaske Havik, Dalia Bernal, Carlos Moura, Esteban Restrepo, Lorin Niculae), 2023, pp. 106-9.

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Ana Margarida Cruz Silva. “Changing Perspectives: The Role of Creative Industries in Social Innovation Projects to Empower Local Communities”, Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais, Mediação Intercultural, Cidadania e Desenvolvimento Social, vol. 9 n.º 1, 2022. 

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Marco Lamas and Rita Bourbon. “Modelos de Negócio e Internacionalização: O caso da Jump Willy” [Business Models and Internationalization: The case of Jump Willy] PJFMA – Portuguese Journal of Finance, Management and Accounting, vol. 7, no. 13, 2021.

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Fátima Pacheco and José Campos Amorim. “Manual de Direito Internacional – Do Direito Clássico ao Contemporâneo” [Manual of International Law – From Classic to Contemporary Law], Coimbra: Almedina, 2021.

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Clara Sarmento. “Methodological Proposals and Critical Responses for the Study of Graffiti and Street Art”. SAUC – Street Art & Urban Creativity Scientific Journal (2020) 6:2, pp. 24-47.

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Luísa Silva. “Chapter 14 – A Framework for Community Development through Street Art Culture”, in Art in Diverse Social Settings (coord. Susana Gonçalves and Suzanne Majhanovich). Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020 (Chapter 14).

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Ivo Rafael Silva. Paredes e a Primeira República [Paredes and the First Republic] (CEI and Paredes City Hall, 2020).

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Clara Sarmento. “Tourism as Intercultural Business: Locating Concepts and Questioning Identities”, European Journal of Sustainable Development, vol. 9, issue 3, pp. 400-15, Fall 2020.


Luciana Oliveira. “Digital Natives or Digital Refugees? Preventing conflicting Self-efficacy in the Digitalized Workplace”, IATED Digital Library, 2020.


Luciana Oliveira. “The European Health Literacy Survey: Results on Outpatient Care for the Elderly in Northern Portugal”, IATED Digital Library, 2020.


Marco Lamas. “Pilares que sustentam a investigação, o ensino e aprendizagem na disciplina de economia”, RICTS – Revista Internacional de Ciências, Tecnologia e Sociedade, 2020.


Clara Sarmento. “Imaginários do mar nos painéis dos barcos moliceiros da Ria de Aveiro“ and “Mapas ROTEP sobre a Ria de Aveiro”, in Imaginários do Mar: Uma Antologia Crítica – Vol. 1 (eds. Clara Sarmento, Carlos Carreto, Joana Freitas, and Luís Martins). IELT, FCSH-NOVA: 2020 (pp. 159-214 and 215-23).


Sara Cerqueira Pascoal, Laura Tallone, Marco Furtado, Sandra Ribeiro, and Luísa Silva. “Promote cultural heritage through entrepreneurship and creativity: the Google Arts & Culture project”
& “Graffiti and street art: aesthetic manifestations in Greater Porto” in Sensos-E, vol. V, n. 3, 2019, indexed at LATINDEX and Google Scholar.


Clara Sarmento, Carina Cerqueira, Laura Tallone, Marco Furtado, Sandra Ribeiro, and Sara Cerqueira Pascoal. “Educação e diversidade cultural em contexto de negócios: Um caso de inovação no ISCAP-P. PORTO”, in Diversidade no Ensino Superior (coord. Susana Gonçalves and Joaquim Costa). CINEP/IPC: 2019 (pp. 165-82).


Luciana Oliveira, Sandra Ribeiro, and Clara Sarmento. “Transversal Skills in Dentistry: Content and Language Learning Approach”, in European Space Project on Smart Systems, Big Data and Future Internet: Towards serving the grand societal challenges (eds. Verena Kantere & Barbara Koch). ScitePress, 2018 (pp. 131-8).


Isabel Correia Pinto. Memórias de Pomarchão [Memories of Pomarchão] (Chiado Books, 2019).

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Ivo Rafael Silva. Paredenses na Grande Guerra 1914-1918 (CEI and Paredes City Hall, 2017).

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Marco Lamas. “Model for Entrepreneurship Education – Teaching-learning Process for Entrepreneurship Classes in Higher Education”, Learning Teacher Magazine 2, 2017.


Sara Cerqueira Pascoal. “Leitura Geográfica das Viagens na Terra Alheia. De Paris a Madrid de Teixeira de Vasconcelos (1863): Espaços Vividos e Espaços Ficcionados” in Literatura, viagens e turismo cultural no Brasil, em França e em Portugal (eds. Maria Alexandre Lousada & Vitor Ambrósio). Lisboa: CEG-IGOT-ULisboa, 2017. (pp. 386-401).


Maria João Cameira. A Transfiguração do Feminino na Poesia de Luiza Neto Jorge. Um sujeito-poético a várias vozes. (Novas Edições Acadêmicas, 2017).

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Clara Sarmento. The Imagery of Writing in the Early Works of Paul Auster (Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017).

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Manuela Ribeiro da Silva. Direito do Turismo e alojamento Turístico. (Coimbra: Almedina, 2016).

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Clara Sarmento. “Intercultural Polyphonies against the ‘Death of Multiculturalism’: an Essay on Concepts, Practices and Dialogues” in Intercultural Competence: Alternative approaches for different times (eds. Fred Dervin & Zehavit Gross). Palgrave MacMillan, 2016. (pp. 121-42).

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Clara Sarmento. Estudos Interculturais Aplicados: Textos, Turismos e Tipologias [Applied Intercultural Studies: Texts, Tourisms and Tipologies] (Porto: Vida Económica, 2015).

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Ivo Rafael Silva. Os trabalhos do investigador do CEI, Ivo Rafael Silva, sobre a I Grande Guerra estão a partir de agora disponíveis no website www.portugal1914.org, um projecto do IHC – Instituto de História Contemporânea e da FCSH–UNL.

More information

Luísa Alves. “The Official Language Problem in EU Law”, in Society and Nation in Transnational Processes in Europe (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholar’s Publishing, 2015).


Clara Sarmento. “Intersections of Gender, Books and Power: Converging interests in narratives by/on women of East Timor”, Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, 20:4, 2014.

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Clara Sarmento. “Interculturalism, Multiculturalism and Intercultural Studies: Questioning Definitions, Repositioning Strategies”, Intercultural Pragmatics 11:4, 2014.

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Clara Sarmento. “Culture, Politics and Identity: Critical Readings on Gender in Southeast Asia”, Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 19:3, October 2012.

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Clara Sarmento. “Narrativas Interculturais e Dinâmicas Identitárias: Textos e Trânsitos Luso-Brasileiros, 1807-1823”, Revista Brasileira de História (Associação Nacional de História – ANPUH Brasil), vol. 32, nº 63, São Paulo, June 2012.


Clara Sarmento. “All the World in a Boat: Portuguese Folklore, Common Sense and Ideology”, Folklore – Journal of The Folklore Society, 121:3, Routledge, December 2010.

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Clara Sarmento. “Distant Neighbours and Familiar Strangers: The Intercultural Narrative of A Lady’s Visit to Manilla and Japan”, Arcadia: Internationale Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft, 46:2, University of Tübingen, 2011.

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Clara Sarmento. “Navegando a Cultura Portuguesa: Propostas Teóricas para uma Prática Popular”, Navegações – Revista de Cultura e Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa, 2:2, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, July/December 2009.


Clara Sarmento. “Fontes Documentais sobre a Cultura Portuguesa”, Territórios & Fronteiras, 1:2, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, July/December 2008.


Clara Sarmento. “A Cultura Popular Portuguesa e o Discurso do Poder”, E-Cadernos CES, nº 10, Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra, 2010.


Clara Sarmento. “Culturas, Políticas e Novas Identidades: Uma leitura europeia sobre questões de género na Ásia”, Review of Culture / Revista de Cultura – Edição Internacional / International Edition, nº 34, Macau, April 2010.


Isabel Pinto. A Comunidade Macaense em Portugal – Alguns aspectos do seu comportamento cultural (Coimbra: Edições Almedina, June 2011).

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Clara Sarmento. Women Writing the Exotic: Intercultural Representations in a Portuguese Travel Journal, Parts of Asia: Beyond Lusotopic Nostalgia – Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies.


Clara Sarmento. Género, Viagem e Representações Interculturais, Língua Portuguesa: Ultrapassar Fronteiras, Juntar Culturas.


Clara Sarmento. “A Lady’s Visit to Manilla and Japan: Representações Interculturais na Viagem ao Oriente”, Review of Culture / Revista de Cultura – Edição Internacional / International Edition, nº 30, Macau, April 2009 (pp. 131-48).


Clara Sarmento. Folk Culture and Political Power: Practices and Representations of Moliceiro Culture in Portugal, Cultural Sociology: A Journal of the British Sociological Association.


Deolinda Ma. Moreira Aparicio Meira. O Regime Económico das Cooperativas no Direito Português: O Capital Social (Porto: Vida Económica, 2009).

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Clara Sarmento. “Representações Coloniais no Feminino: O ‘Oriente’ de Isabel Tamagnini”, Review of Culture / Revista de Cultura – Edição Internacional / International Edition, nº 22, Macau, April 2007 (pp. 63-76).


Clara Sarmento. Representations of Gender in the Writings of St. Francis Xavier: An Interdisciplinary Approach.

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