CEI at the project “The Right to the City – Street Art & Law”

The research project “The right to the city – Street Art & law” aims to discuss the legal regime of graffiti and “street art”, from the point of view of Portuguese law and, to a lesser extent, the Brazilian law, without removing the need to study other foreign orders.

The main group of researchers is composed of members of: the Centre for Legal and Economic Research, Faculty of Law of the University of Porto; the Center for Intercultural Studies (CEI) of the
Porto Accounting and Business School of the Polytechnic of Porto; the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte; the Portucalense Infante D. Henrique University; the University of Cadiz and UNED, Madrid; and the Alberto Hurtado University of Santiago de Chile.

Consortium: CIJE (Center for Legal and Economic Research – Faculty of Law of the University of Porto), CEI (Center for Intercultural Studies – ISCAP), and University of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil).

Visit at: https://cijefdup.wixsite.com/odireitoacidade