Publication of nº 11 of E-REI, E-Journal of Intercultural Studies

The Centre for Intercultural Studies (CEI) of ISCAP-P.PORTO announces the publication of the 11th issue of E-REI, the E-Journal of Intercultural Studies, indexed in SCOPUS, LATINDEX, RCAAP, ERIHPLUS, NSD, SHERPA ROMEO, MIAR, CIRC, SJIF and Google Scholar

This 11th issue of E-REI features the contribution of more than 40 authors, bringing us 27 articles, reviews, and research notes within the vast field of Cultural, Intercultural, Literary, Linguistic, Translation and Communication Studies.

E-REI is a journal created, developed and written in freedom and collaboration, by researchers, lecturers and students alike, as free and collaborative is the research developed at CEI.

We invite you to read this new edition, always produced with a spirit of curiosity and innovation.

You can access nº 11 of E-REI here.

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