CEI Award

In order to motivate students of ISCAP-P.PORTO to the practice of scientific research and to strengthen their connection to the institution, the Centre for Intercultural Studies (CEI) of ISCAP-P.PORTO established the CEI – DALILA LOPES AWARD for the best Dissertation/Project/Report of every Masters’ Degree of ISCAP-P.PORTO in the area of Intercultural Studies.

The CEI – DALILA LOPES AWARD, whose first edition took place in 2010, consists of a diploma to be awarded during the ceremonies of the Day of the Institute, a book-voucher of up to 100 (one hundred) Euros, and an invitation to present the awarded work at a conference promoted by the Centre.

In 2017, the CEI AWARD was renamed CEI – DALILA LOPES AWARD, to honour the teacher and researcher who, from the very beginning, was a part of CEI’s founding and coordinating team.  

Is there a film in this Text? The commercial success of Rubem Fonseca’s cinematic literature

Helena Isabel da Silva Lopes





Transmission of Scientific Knowledge in the Digital Era: The Path to Open Science

Marco Faria Lopes Machado

Winners of the CEI Award 2020

Northern Portugal Literary Landscapes: Constructing a Database for the LITESCAPE.PT Project

Ana Sofia Reis Campo Grande


 Refugee Integration Policies, Gender issues and Trauma: A case study in Germany

Mariana Camelo Figueiredo

Goreti Margarida dos Santos Araújo, with

Interculturally effective people within organizational wide agility and science fiction as testing ground. Star Trek Voyager as case study


Vera Cristina Maia da Silva Vieira, with

Working in an Intercultural Environment – Experience at the Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences International Office

Winner of the 6th Edition of the CEI Award – Dalila Lopes, 2017

Maria Inês Félix Ribeiro, with the dissertantion

A Terminologia do Combate na Tradução em The Professor in the Cage, de Jonathan Gottschall

Winner of the CEI Award 2015

Jorge Nuno Sequeira, with the dissertation

Sherlock Holmes: From Paper to the Screen – An Analysis of the Intersemiotic Translation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Hound of the Baskervilles”

Winner of the 4th edition of the CEI Award 2013

Alexandra Soeiro da Fonseca Guimarães, with the dissertation

Tradução Comentada do Livro de Abel Salazar “A Crise da Europa”

Winner of the 2012 Edition

Sara Isabel Faria Brusaca, with the dissertation

Edição, Tradução e Análise do Livro ‘In Permanent Transit: Discourses and Maps of the Intercultural Experience’

Winners of the CEI Award 2011

Contributos da Tradução para a Historiografia Portuguesa: Reflexões pré e para-tradutivas em torno da ‘Narrativa da Expedição a Portugal em 1832’

Ivo Rafael Gomes da Silva


Da leitura à escrita – O processo de tradução de ‘Nota al pie’, de Rodolfo Walsh

Laura Tallone

Winner of the CEI Award 2010

Carla Maria Neves Guimarães da Silva, with the dissertation

Traduzir poesia. Análise metodológica e contrastiva da(s) tradução(ões) de ‘Die Irren, Die Häftlinge’ de Thomas Bernhard