On 23 and 24 May, Ana Margarida Silva, researcher at CEI – Centre for Intercultural Studies and an FCT PhD scholar, took part in the International interdisciplinary scientific conference “Overcoming Obstacles to Climate Change Mitigation: A cross-cutting approach by human and social sciences”, at the Université Catholique de Louvain, in Belgium.
During the conference, several research projects were presented in the field of social and human sciences, aimed at mitigating climate change and managing its effects. Ana Margarida Silva presented the paper “Building Wildfire Resistant Communities”, continuing her research into the cultural territory of Serra da Estrela.

Her participation in the event was part of the COST Action SHiFT – CA21166 “Social Sciences and Humanities for Transformation and Climate Resilience”, through an ITC Conference Grant. This is a grant for young researchers and PhD students to encourage their participation in international conferences. https://www.cost.eu/multimedia/inclusiveness-target-countries-itc-conference-grants