Masterclass Alumni – Mestrado em Intercultural Studies for Business 13 de Maio, 19:00, sala 011

Na próxima 6ª feira, 13 de Maio de 2022, as alumni Sónia Couto, Goreti Araújo e Filipa costa irão realizar a Masterclass Alumni – Mestrado em Intercultural Studies for Business que terá lugar na sala 011, às 19h00, no ISCAP-P.PORTO. 

Sónia Couto | The touristic and cultural heritage of Vila Caiz as drivers of local development

The initial theme was chosen due to the lack of visibility and touristic attractions in Vila Caiz. There is a lack of investment in the area at the touristic level, which, along with the fact that the region has agriculture as their primary sector, leads people to look for other places to live, whether elsewhere in the country or even abroad.
This study aims to raise awareness about the touristic and cultural potential of villages in the north of Portugal. We chose to define Vila Caiz as the area to be studied, a village that is part of the municipality of Amarante, in the Tâmega and Vale do Sousa sub-regions of the North of Portugal.
This thesis mentions multiple definitions of tourism and the evolution it has had in recent years. It also identifies the impact that some transformations have had on this subject, such as the industrial revolution and globalization. After defining some crucial points in the history of tourism, different types of tourism such as Rural Tourism, Holiday Rentals, Experiential Tourism, Religious Tourism and Cultural Tourism are mentioned.
After choosing the area in which we intend to develop a more in-depth study, its main characteristics are explained, taking into account the types of tourism mentioned throughout the literary review.
Consequently, the projects developed that may solve the problem initially highlighted are presented. These proposals were structured according to an in-depth study of what already exists in terms of touristic offer in areas with similar characteristics or in nearby areas that have invested more in this sector.
It is possible to conclude that, with some investment by government entities, parish councils and other private entities, strategies can be built and developed. Those strategies would help in the cultural and touristic visibility of Vila Caiz among national and international audiences, and they would also increase the levels of tourism that can bring profits for the local economy and for the investors themselves.


Sónia Couto is an Administrative Assistant at BNP Paribas at Porto. She has a master’s degree in Intercultural Studies for Business from Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto. She is graduated in Foreign Languages and Cultures by Escola Superior de Educação, and in 2019, she did an internship in the Hotel Mercure Porto Centro. Her main scientific research interests focus on tourism, rural tourism, and the lack of investment of the region of the North of Portugal.

Goreti Araújo| The value in profit and the profit in value.

I’ll tell you how I worked on my thesis (and other projects) using Agile concepts and how being an interculturally effective person helps you do (not necessarily more but) better – this is the value in profit and the profit in value you can apply to any cultural endeavour. Oh, and I’ll talk a little about Science Fiction and how it will help you get creative while doing that.


Goreti Araújo was born and raised in Porto, but sees no real point to frontiers, except as something to be crossed. She was co-author of the Matilde Rosa Araújo National Prize in 2008 for one of her two published books, A Ilha dos Guardadores de Aranhas, so she believes in group efforts and knows recognition for your work is a prize in itself.
She studied languages, literature and culture, so evidently she works in neither of these areas, but in fact works with them all, as they are a part of her.
With almost 15  years of training and work in international relations connected with higher education and mobility, she decided to write a master thesis related to Star Trek Voyager. Just because she could.
She is about to publish her third book and it takes place in space.

Filipa Oliveira Costa | The impact of a museum in a community – Interferências 1.0 study case

My main goal with this masterclass is to present practical case where culture was used for business and development. We all know that sometimes culture can be misunderstood in the business world, however, when we have cases like Interferências 1.0, we understand better how both are linked and need each other.
In today’s technologically evolved culture, museums may help connect what used  to be to what has changed and will become. This means that museums put our society  into perspective, and through new communication strategies such as digital  transformation, they can create new ideas to stay relevant and unique. 
Due to the public’s demand for immediate consumption, a museum’s ability to  adapt to society’s social and economic changes is valuable. In recent years, in response to  growing market demand in the cultural sector, museums have been forced to use more  attractive technological resources and, as a result, engage more effectively with the  public. Thus, the use of marketing has emerged spontaneously in the development and  increase of cultural offerings. Furthermore, museums are connecting even more with the  community they are inserted in and the type of culture consumers they want to attract.  


Filipa Oliveira Costa is a graduate in Languages, Literature and Culture from Aveiro University, with a Master’s Degree in Intercultural Studies for Business at ISCAP-P. Porto. Her research interests focus on social inclusion as well as sociocultural entrepreneurship and local development.

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