Conferência “Commitment, Emotions and the Influence of Remembrance Narratives: An experimental verification”, Patryk Wawrzynski (Faculty of Sciences and International Studies, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland) | 17 de Abril de 2015

17 de Abril de 2015 | 16.00 | ISCAP


The aim of this presentation is to discuss the results of the experimental study on efitiency of politics of memory, which considered the possible impact of manipulation of dependent variables: arousal of emotions and arousal of commitment. The project was conducted with 364 participants (students of Polish universities, aged between 18-25) and it measured three independent variables: memorization of the presented information, changes in attitudes towards politics of memory and real-life behavior. Its results show how the presence of low commitment and the type of aroused emotions influence the impact of remembrance narratives on a recipient in terms of three independent and control variables. The presentation considers the theoretical framework of the study (including five main hypotheses on efficacy of remembrance narratives), adapted methodology, realization of the experiment and research findings. It also discusses possible interpretations of collected quantitative data and future applications of the research’s conclusions. Moreover, it considers the possible impact of the study on the understanding of a social role of remembrance, historical story-telling, and a government as a narrator of the past. In the discussion of empirical results, it also discusses potential cross-cultural differences of the role of emotions and commitment as factors of remembrance narratives’ efficacy.

Nota biográfica

Patryk Wawrzynski (born: 1987) – political researcher and PhD candidate at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Poland), visiting scholar at the University of Cape Town (South Africa); leading investigator in the project “Commitment, Positive vs. Negative Emotions and the Efficacy of Politics of Memory” and member of research team in the project “Politics of Memory as the Constitutional Factor of New Identity during the Transition form Authoritarian Regimes” (both supported by the National Science Center in Krakow); scholar of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Meklemburg-Vorpommern Ministry of Science, Education and Culture; Editor of “Polish Political Science Yearbook”. Main research interests: politics of memory, remembrance narratives, post-authoritarian transitions, and non-verbal communication. 

The project has been realized by Patryk Wawrzyński (NCU Toruń, Prof. Ralph Schattkowsky (NCU Toruń/ Rostock University) and Marek A. Muszyński (Jagiellonian University in Krakow) with the support of the National Science Center, Poland. Final results of the study will be published in May 2015 and the presentation will be the first public discussion of them.
