ADIADO PARA 2021 | CALL FOR PAPERS OPEN | E&M 2020 – International Conference on Education and Migrations

E&M 2020
Centre for Intercultural Studies – ISCAP, P.PORTO
02-03 | 07 | 2020

The Centre for Intercultural Studies (CEI) of ISCAP-Polytechnic of Porto announces the E&M2020 International Conference on EDUCATION AND MIGRATIONS, to be held between 2 and 3 July 2020, at ISCAP-P.PORTO.

Vasco Malta, Ministério da Administração Interna; Cristina Flores, Universidade do Minho; Jorge Malheiros, Universidade de Lisboa.

We welcome the submission of paper proposals in Portuguese, English, French, German or Spanish, until 15 April 2020, to

Paper proposals should be included in one of the Conference Thematic Panels:

1. Contexts of migrations.
2. Internationalization of higher education and the cultural impact of migrations.
3. Linguistic issues related to migrations.

Proposals must include:

1. Title, author(s), institutional affiliation, email(s);
2. Thematic Panel;
3. Abstract (250 words);
4. Bionote(s) (100 words).

Visit the conference’s website at:

A selection of papers will be considered for a peer-reviewed international publication with ISBN.

Please feel free to contact us for any questions concerning the E&M2020 – International Conference on EDUCATION AND MIGRATIONS.