E&M 2020
Centre for Intercultural Studies – ISCAP, P.PORTO
02-03 | 07 | 2020

The Centre for Intercultural Studies (CEI) of ISCAP-Polytechnic of Porto announces the E&M2020 International Conference on EDUCATION AND MIGRATIONS, to be held between 2 and 3 July 2020, at ISCAP-P.PORTO.
Vasco Malta, Ministério da Administração Interna; Cristina Flores, Universidade do Minho; Jorge Malheiros, Universidade de Lisboa.
We welcome the submission of paper proposals in Portuguese, English, French, German or Spanish, until 15 April 2020, to cei@iscap.ipp.pt.
Paper proposals should be included in one of the Conference Thematic Panels:
1. Contexts of migrations.
2. Internationalization of higher education and the cultural impact of migrations.
3. Linguistic issues related to migrations.
Proposals must include:
1. Title, author(s), institutional affiliation, email(s);
2. Thematic Panel;
3. Abstract (250 words);
4. Bionote(s) (100 words).
Visit the conference’s website at: https://www.iscap.pt/cei/EM2020/index.html
A selection of papers will be considered for a peer-reviewed international publication with ISBN.
Please feel free to contact us for any questions concerning the E&M2020 – International Conference on EDUCATION AND MIGRATIONS.