Masterclass “Ethics for Interpreting and Translation”, Gunta Ločmele (University of Latvia) | 29 de Setembro de 2016

29 de Setembro de 2016 | 18.30 | ISCAP


We shall consider what is ethics in interpreting and translation, development of ethics for interpreting and translation, discuss various Codes of Ethics focusing on obligations towards the text, obligations towards the client and the law, and obligations towards the professional activity. Different situations an interpreter or a translator might find oneself in will be discussed focusing on the issue of ethics.

Nota biográfica

Gunta Ločmele, PhD, is a professor at the University of Latvia. Her research interests include advertisement transfer, shifts of norms in translation, terminology. She has done freelance work as a translator and interpreter both for the bodies and agencies of the EU and for multinational companies.
