Masterclass MA in Intercultural Studies for Business: “The teaching of reading and writing”, Lidia Mañoso Pacheco (Universidad Nebrija, Madrid) | 20 de Fevereiro de 2019

20 de Fevereiro de 2019 | 18.30 | Aula de “Cultura Inglesa para Negócios II”, Sala 003, ISCAP

Masterclass MA ISB “The teaching of reading and writing”
Lidia Mañoso Pacheco (Universidad Nebrija, Madrid)


Written skills development, namely reading and writing, is an essential component of language acquisition. As regards mother tongue instruction, a few cases of functional illiterates may still be found at present time, i.e. adults who regardless of the education received in the school setting are yet unable to decode the written language. In the field of language teaching, reading and writing skills have always played a key role; indeed, they constitute two of the main learning skills assessed in language proficiency tests. Modern teaching methodologies have led teachers to adopt a more communicative approach concerning the instruction of these skills, which affects the role adopted by learners as well as the sequencing of tasks in class. This master class will be focused on language teaching with a particular focus on reading and writing skills. It is mainly aimed at making students reflect on the acquisition of written kills, its importance and possible strategies. Moreover, the session will end up by presenting some proofreading techniques that my assist learners in the editing process of their own academic papers.

Nota Biográfica

Lidia Mañoso is a professor and coordinator of the English area at the Faculty of Languages and Education (Antonio de Nebrija University, Madrid, Spain). She has been teaching students in the degrees in Primary Education and Modern Languages. At present she is instructing a group of learners from the Master Course in Teacher Training and is also part of the examining board that evaluates master dissertations and end-of-degree projects. Concerning her studies, she holds a PhD in English Linguistics and a MA in English Linguistics: New Applications and International Communication from the Complutense University of Madrid. She has presented papers at national and international conferences, and published research papers in specialist journals. Her research interest lie in the field of discourse analysis, with special emphasis on journalistic discourse and the use of reported speech. 
